Latest News

Greetings all,
I hope you are keeping safe and well, my dears.
Just to let you know that Mr DeXter Bentley will be playing one of my creations on the Hello Goodbye Show on Resonance FM tomorrow (Saturday 28th March), 12.00-1.30 pm.
The show’s always worth a listen, but of added interest tomorrow is the ‘featured artist’, my friends and colleagues David Cronenberg’s Wife. Do tune in!

In other news, many of you will know about the Dark Outside project  – an annual 24-hour radio broadcast in a forest ‘where no one may be listening’ – to which I have now contributed three specially-written brand new pieces in previous years. This year is no exception, and the broadcast was supposed to be taking place this weekend. Even in a dark forest, though, social isolation cannot be guaranteed, so there is now talk of the broadcast happening online instead, some time soon. The Dark Outside Inside, if you like. It’s all tbc as yet so I’ll bring you more news on this as soon as possible. You can also follow them on Twitter here.

Despite gig cancellations and so forth, rest assured that I am not idle, and working hard on the next EP, Rota Fortunae II. Rota Fortunae I is of course still available at and the more people who buy it, the sooner I’ll be able to release Part 2. Needless to say, your support is hugely appreciated at this time when musicians are inevitably losing a lot of work. I know the circumstances are difficult for everyone though.

There will be more news from me before too long! Meanwhile I hope you are all alright, and take care of yourselves, your loved ones and anyone else you can help safely.
I hope to see you again soon!
